K roon & Mitchell's business consulting services provide the financial expertise your business needs to succeed.
Our business consulting service involves evaluating your business to help improve operations and growth. We specialize in the financial aspects of business consulting through our accounting and tax preparation services.
Business Consulting Services
Grand Rapids area small businesses come to Kroon & Mitchell for expert financial advising from day-to-day finances to audits and business tax planning. Our integrated method involves managing all aspects of your business finances and navigating changes as they come. We help make the financial aspects simpler so you can focus on other day-to-day business operations. Our CPA and CFA professionals have both business acumen and financial knowledge to help guide your business in the right direction.
Kroon & Mitchell’s business consulting services have helped many small businesses across Grand Rapids and West Michigan. If you’re ready to grow your business and better manage your finances, contact us to set up an appointment.